“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Why a Strategic Plan?

Small nonprofits often operate without staff or with only one staff member. When you, the board, are the staff, it is imperative you have a strategic plan. The plan allows you to set organizational priorities, keep on track, focus your energies and dole out duties. It describes why you want to move forward, what you are trying to accomplish, how you want to go about it, and what outcomes you hope to achieve. The most important benefit, the plan prioritizes your funding needs. Even with one staff member, a plan sets the priorities for staff giving him/her the decided direction.

Creation of a Strategic Plan

The board, staff and possibly a few stakeholders meet to create the plan. Sandi Consulting guides you through the entire process. You decide if you prefer several meetings or a day-long retreat. The efforts of the group completes the following: Values, Vision and Mission Statements. With a clear purpose for being, knowing where to go as an organization and your organizational values, moving forward becomes easier.

SWOT Analysis

A guided questionnaire, with discussion, Sandi Consulting helps you determine your organizations:

  • Internal
    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
  • External
    • Opportunities
    • Threats

Goals, Strategies and Objectives

Defining four to five goals helps you to pursue your mission. Next, the strategies used to meet the goals, and a timeline of objectives to fulfill the goals.

Strategic Plan Report

Finally, Sandi Consulting provides a draft Strategic Plan for review: the board may choose to approve it as is or make final adjustments. With the roadmap to success and growth completed, the board knows their priorities, what to do and how to get there.


Sandi Consulting

The Strategic Plan:

  1. Preliminary meeting
  2. Retreat of key players
  3. SWOT Analysis
  4. Vision, Mission, Value Statements
  5. Defining goals, timeline, and objectives
  6. Review of SWOT with goals
  7. Creation of draft plan
  8. Plan approval